Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Photo Impressionism ... ~ HEINRICH KUHN ~ ...

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Photo Impressionism ... ~ HEINRICH KUHN ~ ...
Hello my dear!
Today is my story of genius, in my opinion, fine art photographer Henry Kuehne ...

Heinrich Kühn, Selbstportrait, 1907
Heinrich Kühn - Heinrich Kuhn 1866- 1 944 prominent German photographer one of the founders piktoralizma in fotografii.Genrih Kuhn is also the creator of style fotoimpressionizm, the first photographic style that has established itself as an art form.
Heinrich Kühn was born in February 25, 1866 in Dresden (Germany) .Vnuk sculptor, he studied painting and music, and after a brief military service - medicine and natural science, then turned to mikrofotografii.No due to illness in 1888 he was forced to move Innsbruck (Austria), where he lived for the rest of zhizn..Okolo 1890 he finally left medicine and devoted himself entirely to photography. In 1896 he joined the Vienna Photo Club / Vienna Camera Club, began to exhibit and publish in photo magazines articles on technical voprosam.Posle 1895 together with Hans Kuhn Vatzekom / Hans Watzek and Hugo Hannebergom / Hugo Henneberg in the photographic group "Trifolium" develop a method so called "rubber stamp", by which a photographic negative could make its mark on virtually any type of paper any pigment. The result was rather similar to charcoal drawings or etchings, than with the conventional method allows fotografiey.Etot Kyunu install light contrasts in its sole discretion, and "Non" sharpness of the image can be easily eliminated.

In addition to art photography in the life of Heinrich Kühn occupied a considerable part of scientific research devoted to photographic tehnologiyam.On is the author of a number of inventions and scientific articles published in many zhurnalah.Genrih Kyun paid much attention to the development of photographic lenses, and since the development of technologies with each passing year it possible to obtain All lenses with great sharpness, contrary to the principles of artistic Kuhn as he sought to soft impressionistic manner izobrazheniya.Dlya get soft image he experimented with both the objective lens and a scattering filters, together with Franz Stible / Franz Staeble he developed a new lens known as Kuhn Anachromat, which from 1928 to 1990 was issued under the name of Rodenstock lenses Imagon.Eti possible to produce soft scattering pattern, with the effect of artistic blur, similar in style to the paintings of the Impressionists.

Heinrich Kühn is considered one of the most important practitioners and theoreticians of art photography in Europe, and his photographs have been featured in all known international galleries. He was in contact with the most famous photographers of his time, such as: Frank Eugene / Frank Eugene, Edward Steyhen / Edward Steichen and Alfred Stieglitz / Alfred Stieglitz. In 1908, Kuhn work were published in Camera Work, which is published by Alfred Stieglitz, as well as in The Studio.Genrih Kuhn was one of those early photographers who at the turn of the century tried to adopt photography as an art form. Like all artists of his time, he was more interested in how to express their emotions and images of feeling than to achieve precise and detailed figure kartiny.Vazhnaya pictorial photography of the early twentieth century, Heinrich Kühn specialized mainly on portraits and landscapes. He has experimented with color photography in the years 1907-1913 and left lovely autochromes, which depict members of his family, and still lifes - they look like paintings of the Impressionists.

Still life with roses. / Still-life with roses 1914
Heinrich Kuhn, is a major figure in the world of photography, left behind a vast photographic heritage, including in the form of color autochromes, copies of which 214 (of 260 extant) are stored in the collections of the Austrian National Library in Vienna. .K Unfortunately Austrian museum is in no hurry to spread freely available work Kuhn ...
Thank God, there is an Internet and people presenting their findings ... Thanks to them!

Still life with roses. / Still-life with Roses 1910

Flowers in a vase. / Flowers in a bowl 1908

Sirocco. / Sirocco 1899

Roman Villa. / The Roman villa / 1898

Of wind weather / Windy Weather 1902

Lady in white dress. / Lady in white dress.1908

Mary and Lotte Meadow. / Lotte and Mary in a meadow. 1908

Walter and Lotte Kühn Meadow. / Walter und Lotte Kuhn in der Wiese 1907

Still life with apples. / Still Life with Apples 1910

Venice / Venezia, 1898

Mary Warner light. / Mary Warner im Gegenlicht, 1908

Still life with violets. / Still-life with violets 1908

Venice / Venezia, 1898

Still life with flowers. / Stilleben mit Blumen, Still Life with Flowers 1908

Mary Warner and Edeltruda Kuhn. / Mary Warner and Edeltrude Kuhn 1908

Mary in nature. / Mary Warner in Landschaft 1910

Still life. / Still Life 1896

Decanter. / Carafe 1907

Mary Warner and Edeltruda / Mary Warner and Edeltrude Kuhn. 1908

Mary on a hillside. / Mary on the hillside in 1908
Mary Warner / Mary Warner was a nanny for the children of Heinrich Kühn, and after the death of his wife, Emma actually replaced them mat.Genrih Kyun shooting Mary often used as a model and made a lot of photos with her participation.

Edeltruda and Hans. / Edeltrude und Hans 1907

Hans Kuhn / Hans Kuhn 1907

Lotte Kühn / Lotte Kuhn 1907

Brothers and sisters Kyun / Brothers and sisters Kuhn.1912

Mary, along with Hans and Lotte. / Mary with Hanns and Lotte 1908

Lotte Kühn / Lotte Kuhn 1910
Breeze. / The breeze 1913

Wind / Wind 1907

Matilda Ueyl. Rose petals. / Mathilde Weil - Rosa Rosarum. 1901

Miss Mary / Miss Mary, 1910

Mary in a white dress / Mary in a White Dress, 1907

Portrait of Frau Richter. / Portrait Frau Richter, 1913

Portrait / Portrait (from Camera Work 33), 1911

The girl in the mirror. / Girl with mirror, 1906

Reaper. / The reaper. 1930

That's all ... Thanks for reading ...

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