Saturday, August 5, 2017

Maximilian Voloshin is a poet and artist.

  Creativity of the artist Voloshin is inseparable from the work of Voloshin the poet. Verses of Maximilian Alexandrovich are exceptionally picturesque, full of bright color epithets, colorful and "visible" imagery. And his watercolor landscapes are like strict and precise poems. They carry a strong meditative impulse, consonant with the works of masters of traditional Japanese art. Nature is perceived as a perfect divine creation, filled with beauty of lines, harmony and greatness. Deep contemplation and detachment of Voloshin watercolors, their saturation with light, wisdom and love are primary in relation to the instruments of imparting an inner impulse - lines and colors. The sea and the sky, hills and clouds, retaining their density and texture, as if superimposed on a kind of universal energy ether, from which, at the beginning of time, all the primatury was born.

Huge clouds of smoky clouds
Year: 1928.

Children of sun-red honey
And the brown-red earth -
We through death in the flesh have sprouted,
And with fire, our nature is similar.

Ascending to the fire at the heights,
Falling helplessly to the ground,
We tirelessly build in the mist
Our bodies are hexagonal honeycombs.

In them, we turn fire into honey.
And, rising above the sunny edge,
Exactly candles from wax, burn ...
In the hive of the sky of the century and century
We, like bees at the loins of Aphrodite,
We fall in love, we are twisted with solar dust,
Above the fire of a golden flower.

Maximilian Voloshin

Lunar vision.
Year: 1928.

Pearl of heavenly silence
On the stellar bottom of the lagoon!
In your beams all faces are pale-young,
In you dope flowers are in love.

The longing of love in hearts is repeated
Your rays are longing strings,
And former years of exciting moons
The patterns of dreams are forever intertwined ...

Your wet light and matte shadows,
Lying on the walls, on the floor, on the steps,
Give the stones a shade of turquoise.

Platanus sheet on them still cogged
And thinner is the curl of a curved vine ...
Lampada of dreams, the mistress of conception!

Maximilian Voloshin

Year: 1929.

As in the small shell - Ocean
Great breathing buzzes,
As her flesh twinkles and burns
Bottoms and silver mist,
And its bends are repeated
In motion and the curl of a wave, -
So all my soul is in your bays,
Oh, Kimmery? And a dark country,
Enclosed and transformed ...

Maximilian Voloshin

Karadag in the clouds.

Hills of hills otsklil mari frost.
Gromady clouds on the vaults of blue days
The sky is high (it's higher, everything is narrower)
Clubs of lead, gray wings of pines,

Pillars of snow, and clusters of wisteria
They hang down ... The heat is deaf and dull.
And in the steppes, the horses run,
Like a dark flight of angry Erinny ...

Maximilian Voloshin


The plain of waters swayed widely,
It is surrounded by a silver border.
Cape is wracked, crenellated wall
Stepping on the swell of molten current.

A foggy day opened a golden eye,
And a pale ray, scattered by a wave,
Slides, crushing over a muddy depth,
That is the ear of the day from the pastures of the east.

In the fibers of flax, the pale circle
Pearl clouds, and the sun, like a spider,
Trembling in the networks of diamond cobwebs.

Up turn the palm of the thin hands -
To the source of the day! Become a lily of the valley,
Become a stalk of rye, a child of fire and clay!

<1907. Koktebel>

Maximilian Voloshin

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